Tag: Antitrust
High-tech Mergers: Flying “High” on the Antitrust Enforcement Radar
The pace of strategic deal-making has electrified corporate America over the past year and has kept antitrust enforcers on their toes in analysing the potential competitive effects of these deals.
Abandon Ship! Don’t Let Antitrust Risk Sink your Deal
Recent antitrust challenges to mergers, including the FTC’s recent federal court victory, have forced parties to abandon at least three deals in the past few months.
Do Merger Efficiencies Matter in Antitrust Review? Ninth Circuit Says “Yes”
The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals last month sided with the Federal Trade Commission and required divestiture to unwind a consummated acquisition between two health care providers. In doing so, however, the court broke with long-standing precedent and accepted, in principle, a role for efficiencies in analyzing mergers. The […]
Learning the Hard Way HSR Gun Jumping – Lessons from Flakeboard/SierraPine
Given the many opportunities and challenges that come from integrating two companies following a strategic transaction, including unlocking significant synergies and cost savings as a result of the combination, it is unsurprising that merging parties are often enthusiastic about moving forward with the process as soon as possible. Equally, it […]
High-Tech Mergers: Top of the Antitrust Enforcement Agenda
Antitrust enforcement in high-tech industries – those that employ the most advanced, cutting-edge technology – is a top priority for the Department of Justice (DoJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
United States v. Bazaarvoice: A Cautionary Antitrust Tale for High-Tech Mergers
The recently concluded Department of Justice enforcement action against Bazaarvoice, Inc.’s 2012 acquisition of rival PowerReviews, Inc. is a reminder of important principles for antitrust enforcement in high-tech industries.
Recent Trends in Antitrust and Regulatory Risk – Shifting in M&A Agreements
The recent drumbeat of aggressive antitrust and regulatory merger enforcement has put a spotlight on the importance of understanding the antitrust and regulatory risks raised by a potential deal, and efficiently allocating that risk in the transaction agreement. While transactions in dynamic technology, healthcare/life sciences, new media and telecom industries […]
FTC Expands HSR Reporting Obligations – Targeting Pharmaceutical Licensing Deals
A new Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) rule, which became effective December 16, 2013, targets the pharmaceutical industry and requires Hart-Scott-Rodino Act (HSR) notices for a broader array of licensing transactions, expanding the types of deals that have to be notified to the government to allow antitrust enforcement agencies to scrutinize […]
Revised 2014 Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Thresholds – Effective February 24, 2014
The Federal Trade Commission has completed its annual adjustments to the filing thresholds under the Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) Act. The new, higher thresholds will take effect on February 24, 2014 and apply to all transactions which close on or after this date but before the next round of adjustments takes effect in […]
No Deal Too Small: FTC and DOJ Target Non-HSR Reportable Tech Deals in 2013
The FTC recently announced a settlement with a specialty software developer, requiring it to divest a business that it had acquired more than a year earlier for $8.7 million. The challenge to an acquisition that was so small that it did not have to be reported under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Act […]